The West is just catching on that we can change our brains, our thought patterns, and the energy we bring.
Welcome. I’m Lauren Bear.
I’m a mischievous and curious soul who enjoys learning and then sharing what I’ve learned with you.
The West is just catching on that we can change our brains, our thought patterns, and the energy we bring.
Meditation Alchemy is the inner transformation that increases our capacity for kindness, and our ability to choose happiness.
The more we learn about meditation and the way it changes the brain, the cooler it gets.
We'd like to think that who were are is stable and concrete. We'd like to think we aren't easily influenced by who we spend time with, but if you spend time with people who act like jerks, you're probably a jerk too.
There is a Secret-Sauce for a Solid Meditation Foundation.
Beautiful Rituals-How To Make Your Meditation Practice Irresistible
Is it possible to have unwanted experiences with meditation? Is this something I need to worry about?
What does it mean when my meditation feels horrible? Am I doing it wrong? Do I just suck at this? Is it hopeless?
Hello. My name is Lauren, and I’m a recovering perfectionist. I overthink everything, and I have a terrible fear of making mistakes. Finding ways to ground myself is my most reliable tool for breaking the cycle of overthinking.
How we can change our Karma by changing our habits.
“You are responsible for the energy you bring.” -Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
What we believe tells our body how to respond. If you believe something is a threat, your body will respond to that.
Story time. How do the stories we tell ourselves affect our Karma? What momentum do we build?
How to make Avo Toast, and Smash the Patriarchy without getting it all over your toast.
This is a letter to white people who are trying to figure out what to do in the face of the current surge of attention to racism. I’m not an expert. I’m cannot give you the magic key to say or do the right thing. This is the advice I do have.
If you’ve ever pushed yourself to do something scary, something out of your comfort zone, then you’ve probably experienced anxiety cancer. I write this from an online course creator’s perspective.
Lauren Bear’s Favorite Oatmeal Buttermilk pancakes. Serve with butter and strawberries.
I’d tried to learn meditation from books, I didn’t even know about mantra meditation yet. Doing this brief prayer, as the monk taught me, turns out to be mantra meditation. It’s where I found my first success.
Pandemic? Oh. I invite you to join me in slowing down.